Monday, January 3, 2022

New Year's Makeys and Musings....

Hi! It's me, Kae Pea! For those of you that don't know me, I am the "main moon" here at The Moon and The Maker Creative Space (home of RubberMoon and ArtFoamies Stamp companies). The story behind how I came to own these businesses is a long one and I won't bore you with those details here and now, (maybe later....). Just suffice it to say that I wear a lot of creative hats and the many facets of the business, including my own art practice, keeps me hopping with details that are, like most-any small business, simultaneously hectic, fun, creative, mundane and unique! So, when there was an opening for a blog post today, I said, "I will do it!" I thought it would be a great idea to do a New Year's post to share fun makey or project. Of course, as the deadline for the post approached, I thought to myself, "What was I thinking?" I needed another deadline or project like I need a bag of rocks (although I COULD paint a bag of rocks...but I digress...!) Although I do 'usually-always' have some art-project or makey ready to share, I thought, instead, for this post I would reflect a bit on the past year and ponder the future a bit too!
Let's just say it. Twenty-Twenty One was a doozy of a year. As a business owner it was a real challenge. And as an Empath even more of a challenge. But art, creativity and 'getting makey' everyday helps me navigate these difficult times. I do not ignore what is happening in our world. Rather, I recognize the need for light and goodness and radiating a source of joy when there are so many sources for the opposite. 
It is my sincere hope that whether you are a part of my comMOONity, follow RubberMoon, a fan of ArtFoamies or a visitor at The Moon and The Maker or all of the above...Whether you join me on Patreon and watch me "Get Makey" 5 days a week or see me on Facebook on ArtFoamies Fun Friday or maybe just a YouTube video every now and again, that you will find it as a source of joy and inspiration in your life too. 
I hope you are joining in for Nathalie Kalbach's Creative Jump Start 2022 (it is not too late!)
And that if you are not already my Patron, you will join me this year, to focus on creative self care and lots of getting makey!

Here are random pictures of so many "Makeys" I created and shared in 2021:

I can't promise it will make life perfect, but I can safely say, it will make it better :)
And I can promise all of inspiration, innovation, kindness and caring I have to give.
Here is to getting through another year together, creatively!
Stay safe, Stay Sane and Stay Makey,

A Happy, Healthy 2022 to you.

Kae Pea


  1. Lovely uplifting blog post and so many wonderful Makey Inspiration many I have watched and taken and played myself.
    thank you for always being a beautiful light in this world. Hugs wendy

  2. Thank you for this! "I do not ignore what is happening in our world. Rather, I recognize the need for light and goodness and radiating a source of joy when there are so many sources for the opposite." This is how I like to live too! Thank you for everything! LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS WE ARE! I enjoy being one of your patrons & I am so lucky to have you in my life! So glad we're friends & so thankful for all the friends I have made & people I have connected with in your groups,blog & other social media outlets. HUGS! YOU ARE SO LOVED!

  3. Just stumbled on you via AnneMarie Garden and the rabbit hole it led me to. So glad I did! Can't wait to get a foamie and get started! I hope to use these to embellish our school garden with art. We need signs and I believe these will be a perfect theme! Thank you!
